Allgemeine Technische spezifikation

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1. Bedingungen zur Erfüllung der Projektlösungen, die bei der Entwicklung des Projektes zu erfüllen sind:

1.1. Verbinsliche Dokumente für die Bauarbeiten:

Bauarbeiten werden nach dem Erhalt einer Baugenehmigung ausgeführt. Die Bauarbeiten sollen laut nachfolgenden Bestimmungen/Vorschriften ausgeführt werden:

  • Laut dem Gebäudeprojekt sowie dem technologischen Projekt von Bauarbeiten, die vom Auftragsnehmer vorbereitet werden;
  • Laut der Gesetzgebung, der Regierungsverordnungen, Dokumneten der Territorialplanung, Baunormedokumentation, Sicherheitsnormen und Anforderungen unter Berücksichtigung der Gebäudenbestimmung;
  • Anforderungen der Subjekten der Gesellschaftsadministrierung, die Staastsaufsicht über die Bauausführung erfüllen, die seitens Staatsinstitutionen an die Sicherheit und Bestimmung der Gebäuden geltend gemacht werden;
  • Baurvorschiften, die von Bauorganisation bestätigt und im ministerium für die Weltschutz ordnungsgemäss registriert worden sind;
  • Richtlinien der Leiter, die Aufsicht über dem Bauprojekt ausüben und der Leiter, die eine technische kontrolle (allgemeine und spezielle) über dem Bau erfüllen.
Die ganze Baudurchführung (vom Beginn der Bauarbeiten bis zur Erklärung der Brauchbarkeit Fertigbauten) soll in Arbeitsbuch beschrieben werden. (s. Anlage Nr. 4 zum Reglement STR 1.08.02:2002). Im Arbeitsbuch werden auch die Ergebnisse.

The procedure of declaring the building usable and the required documentation will be regulated by STR 1.11.01:2002.

1.2. The laws and normative documents to be observed in the construction work (except those already mentioned in the General Specification:

  • Decree No. 280 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 26 February 2002, Implementation of the Building Act of the Republic of Lithuania (Žin., 2002, No. 22-819);
  • Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Health and Safety of Workers (Žin., 2003, No. 70-3170);
  • STR 1.07.02:1999 Earthworks (Žin., 1999, No. 79-2348);
  • STR 1.07.01:2002 Building permit (Žin., 2002, No. 55-2203);
  • STR 1.11.01:2002 The procedure of declaring buildings usable (Žin., 2002, No. 60-2475);
  • STR 1.01.04:2002 Building products. Conformity assessment and ‘CE’ marking (Žin., 2002, No.54-2140);
  • STR 1.01.08:2002 Type of building construction (Žin., 2002, No.119-5372);
  • STR 1.09.04:2002 Supervision over the implementation of a building design (Žin., 2002, No. 43-1638);
  • STR 1.09.05:2002 Technical supervision over building construction (Žin., 2002, No. 43-1638);
  • STR 1.09.06:2002 Construction suspension. Elimination of the result of unauthorised construction (Žin., 2002, No. 55 - 2201);
  • STR 1.02.06:2006 The description of the procedure to qualify for the right to serve as a head in the main areas of technical construction activities (Žin., 2007, No.8-339);
  • STR 1.02.07:2004 The description of the procedure to qualify for the right of the designer of a construction works, contractor of construction, manager of design or construction and contractor of expert examination of design documentation or construction works. The rules of recognising in the Republic of Lithuania the documents issued in a foreign state submitted by natural persons, legal persons or other foreign organisations confirming the right to work in the main areas of technical construction activities in the country of origin (Žin., 2004, No. 157-5739);
  • STR 1.03.02:2002 Declaration of conformity of construction products (Žin.,2002, No 54-2142);
  • Decree No. D1-160 of the Minister of the Environment of 31 March 2004, List of regulated construction products (Žin., 2004, No 55-1919);
  • RSN 159 - 93 Regulations on building conservation (Žin., 1993, Nо.20-98);
  • Decree No. 184/282 of the Minister of Social Security, Minister of Labour and Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 24 December 1998, Approval of the provisions relating to the organisation of jobs in construction (Žin., 1999, Nо. 7-155);
  • The Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania (Žin., 2000, No. 74 - 2262);
  • Law of the Republic of Lithuania concerning supervision over potentially dangerous equipment (Žin., 1996, No. 46-116; 2000, No. 89-2742);
  • Decree No. 346 of the Leading Labour Inspector of the Republic of Lithuania of 22 December 2000, Approval of health protection and safety regulations on construction objects (Žin., 2001, No. 3-74).
1.3. Qualification requirements for a building contractor and subcontractor. The building contractor and subcontractor must be duly attested by the undertaking.

1.4. Qualification requirements for managers and specialists of general and special construction works.

Qualification certificates are required for the following principal managers:

  • Manager supervising the designing of the building;
  • Manager supervising the designing of a part of the building;
  • Manager of the construction activity on the building;
  • Manager supervising the special works performed on the site;
  • Manager exercising technical supervision of the construction of the building;
  • Manager exercising technical supervision of the special works executed on the building.
1.5. Other requirements for the execution of the construction works.

Throughout the construction period, the manager of the construction works must ensure compliance with the following requirements:

  • Labour safety requirements;
  • Fire safety requirements;
  • Environmental protection requirements;
  • Observance of the relevant occupational hygiene requirements in construction and on the object under construction;
  • Protection of third persons’ interests during construction.
2. Instructions and requirements for the preparation of the project and construction documents.

  • Making additional geological surveys if necessary for the preparation of the construction design of the foundation. Additional geological surveys will be made by the contractor winning the competition for the construction of the foundation.
  • Preparation of the designing part of the equipment design.
  • The work project drawings must comply with the technical design and the technical specifications.
  • Before commencing the building works, a technological project of the execution of the building works must be prepared. The project will be prepared by the contractor winning the competition for the construction of the building.
  • Preparation of the operating instructions of specific and new structures, engineering systems and equipment.
  • Making geodetic photos of the engineering and utility networks installed.
  • Working drawings and technical specifications according to which the building works will be executed must be marked “AS BUILT” and signed by the manager exercising construction supervision and the manager of the building works.
  • Any changes in the design solutions, the procedure and presentation of the changes will be executed pursuant to the procedure provided in STR 1.05.06:2005.
3. General requirements for the building products (products and materials), equipment and works and the general procedure for their acceptance on the building site:

  • Building products (products and materials) must comply with the requirements set out in the specifications of the technical conformity thereof;
  • No materials containing asbestos or other forbidden chemical additives may be used for building;
  • Mandatory documents confirming the quality of building products (products and materials) and equipment (conformity certificates and declarations of conformity) must be compiled and preserved;
  • Control over the quality of building products (products and materials) pursuant to ISO 9001; on the building site – random inspection;
  • Samples of the building products (products and materials) will be submitted for the approval of the developers of the design;
  • The conditions of delivery and storage of building products (products and materials) will be laid down by the contractor;
  • Acceptance of concealed works will take place pursuant to the procedure established on the basis of the technical regulations of building;
  • Testing of load-bearing structures and engineering systems will take place pursuant to the procedure established by the technical regulations of building.
4. Preparation of the building site:

The building designed will be erected on the lot at 4 Kunigiškju Street. The territory must be enclosed by a fence and provided with all the infrastructures required for execution of the building works on the said site: temporary personal service premises and storage facilities, temporary utility networks, temporary access roads and other necessary facilities.

5. Organisation and methods of building works

The organisation and methods of the building works will be laid down in the technological project of the execution of the building works. The project will be prepared by the contractor winning the competition for the construction of the building. Seeing that four separate buildings will be erected, the order of building thereof will be determined by the contractor/builder at its discretion, as per agreement with the Client, taking into account its possibilities and available technical means.

6. Declaring the building usable

The building will be declared usable pursuant to the provisions of STR 1.11.01:2002.

Pursuant to the regulation, a multi-apartment house shall be declared usable only after completion of the finishing works of the apartments and rooms in general use, assembly of functioning engineering systems conforming with the established requirements, and after rehabilitation of the territory around the building.

Architect/PV D. Rakauskas

Qualification Certificate No. A749